What is 24EXPO Global EXhibition? |
You can find your buyers and business partners domestically as well as in foreign countries by way of 24 EXPO Global Exhibition set up on-line vertual service network where small-sized companies can transmit information on socially unknown their technologies, products and services to three countries, Japan, China and Korea for 24 hours daily.
As small-sized companies can participate in our Exhibition Center eaqually like major companies regardless of sales turn-over or size of company, they can increase the customers and business volume inspite of their low profiles and the limitted fund.
Exhibitors' advantage |
Exhibitors' advantage |
You simply register your company profile and your own merchandize at our Exhibition Center. Then, You can creat good business opportunity in new market by posting and transmitting your requirement to seek for good business partners in the global business market, specially in Japan, China and Korea.
Buyers' advantage |
You can search merchandize the exhibitors registered at our Exhibition center and you can do the business negotiation with the exhibitors for yourself.
Exhibition process |
Procedure for membership registration |
Please put in your basic information; company name, person in charge and outline of your company after entering the following banner.